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Mango stone weevil

Sternochetus mangiferae (Fabricius)

(Curculionidae: Coleoptera)




Stone weevil  


It is a specific pest of mango.  Eggs are laid singly on the epicarp of partially developed fruits.  The grubs emerged bore through the pulp, feed on seed coat and later damage the cotyledons.  Pupation takes place inside the seed along the concave side.  During the process of adult emergence, the adult drags the faecal matter in the seed in to the pulp leading to spoilage of pulp. There is only one generation in a year.  Adult weevils are inactive from July- August till next fruiting season.



  1. Spray main trunk, primary branches and junction of branches during off season (Aug- Sept) with chlorpyrifos 0.05% to kill hiding weevils
  2. Spray acephate 0.1125% at lime size followed by decamethrin 0.0028% after two to three weeks. 
  3. After harvest destroy all leftover seeds in the orchard or in the processing industries.
  4. If seeds are sown for rootstock, then drench pots with chlorpyrifos 0.05%.

(The last two will help managing stone weevils for the following year).