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Mango mealybug

(Pseudococcidae: Homoptera)


Drosicha mangiferae (Green), Rastrococcus iceriyodes Green, Ferrisia virgata (Cockrell)

Mango mealybug  


The mango mealybug, Drosicha mangiferae is responsible for devastating the mango crop mainly in north India.  It is easy to recognize the mealybug by its large flattish and plump females, which are covered with a white mealy covering.  However, in south India the other species viz., Rastrococcus iceriyodes, Ferrisia virgata, etc are becoming serious on mango. The irregular flushing  due to change in the mango phenology mediated through climate have accentuated the incidence of these pests.




  1. Prune and destroy the affected plant parts
  2. Remove weeds and grasses by ploughing the adjacent areas
  3. Sprays of neem oil @ 0.5% during off-season restricts the spread
  4. Band trees with 20 cm alkathene or polythene (400 gauge) sheets, 50 cm above the ground level and just below the junction of the branching (mainly for Drosicha) with suitable glue to trap ascending crawlers.
  5. Release Cryptolaemus montrouzieri grubs @ 2/ infested shoot.