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Mango galls

Procontarinia matteiana (Kieffer and Cocconi) and Amradiplosis spp.; Erosomyia indica Grover and Prasad



Mango galls  


These cecidomyiids may their eggs on ventral surface of leaves.  On hatching, the maggots bore inside the leaf tissues and feed within, resulting in the formation of small raised wart-like galls on the leaves.  The affected leaves get badly deformed and drop prematurely.  Leaf galls adversely affect growth when in large number on young plants. 




  1. To check the loss caused by the leaf gall forming midges, collect and destroy the affected leaves.  This will prevent the population build up of the pest.
  2. The inflorescence midge, E. indica, attacks panicles, which bend and dry.  This can be quite serious.  Spray of Fenitrothion 0.05% at panicle emergence gives good control.  Raking soil below to destroy pupae also helps.