A new
late-season variety of mango ‘Arka Udaya’ has been
identified by the Indian Institute of Horticultural
Research (IIHR)
It is a
sweet, high-yielding variety of mango with a long
It can
stay fresh at room temperature for about 10 days
without refrigeration.
It is a
late-season variety and yields after other mango
fruit trees have stopped fruition. The tree bears
fruit every year.
yield was high at around eight tonnes. The trees
were planted at a density of five by five metres.”
Udaya is a hybrid made by crossing Amprapali with
Arka Anmol.
Amprapali is a hybrid from Dasheri and Neelam so it
is sweet and the pulp can be scooped out and eaten.
Arka Anmol is a cross from Alphonso and Janardhan
Udaya has all the good traits of these varieties.